Kolor Can makes commercial-grade plastic receptacles that are made in the USA. These tough receptacles are usually sold as a complete unit at an economical price. Our Kolor Can receptacles feature a lid and liner that eliminates the need for trash bags. We offer a pedestal for mounting these receptacles to prevent vandalism.
22 Gallon Square Receptacle with Flat Lid, 18 lbs.
32 Gallon Receptacle with 10” Recycle Lid and Liner
32 Gallon Receptacle with Flat 4” Hole Recycle Lid
32 Gallon Receptacle with Liner and Dome Top
32 Gallon Receptacle with Swing Door Lid and Liner
42 Gallon Plastic Trash Receptacle with 4” Flat Recycling Lid for Bottles & Cans
42 Gallon Receptacle with 2-Way Swing Lid, 33 lbs.
42 Gallon Receptacle with Bug Barrier Lid
42 Gallon Receptacle with Dome Top Lid & Liner
42 Gallon Receptacle with Mushroom Lid & Liner
52 Gallon Square Receptacle with 10" Recycle Lid
52 Gallon Square Receptacle with 4-way Top
Signature 32 Gallon Receptacle Steel Ash-top & Liner
Signature 32 Gallon Receptacle with 10” Recycle Lid and Liner
Signature 32 Gallon Receptacle with 4” Recycle Lid and Liner
Signature 32 Gallon Receptacle with Bug Barrier Lid and Liner
Signature 32 Gallon Receptacle with Liner and Dome Lid
Signature 32 Gallon Receptacle with Liner and Swing Lid
Signature 42 Gallon Receptacle with 2 Way Open Lid
Signature 42 Gallon Receptacle with 2-Way Recycle Lid for Bottles & Cans
Signature 42 Gallon Receptacle with Dome Top Lid, 38lbs.
Signature 42 Gallon Receptacle with Flat 4” Hole Recycle Lid for Bottles & Cans
Signature 42 Gallon Receptacle with Flat Bug Barrier Lid, 29lbs.
Signature 42 Gallon Receptacle with Mushroom Lid & Liner
Signature 42 Gallon Receptacle with Swing Lid & Liner
Signature 42 Gallon Round Receptacle with 10” Recycle Lid, 28lbs.