PicnicFurniture.com only uses factories that commercially package our products to reduce damage from commercial transportation. Basic Shipping charges cover loading merchandise at the factory and transporting to the delivery address provided at the time of the order. Additional services can be purchased to assist in the delivery process. See Below.
Small orders of merchandise can usually be physically taken off the truck. It is our customer’s responsibility to receive, inspect and record the condition of the merchandise on the packing slip at the time of delivery. Damaged merchandise or parts will be replaced or repaired to new condition only when recorded on the packing slip and reported within three days of the actual delivery.
If the delivery is large and complete inspection is not possible you must record on the packing slip “Received without complete inspection.”
Truck Drivers are simply drivers and are not contracted to assist with deliveries. If assistance is required to receive your products, it is extremely important to make arrangements in advance by purchasing services on line. These services are listed below and are available for selection during the checkout process. If you have any questions about these additional charges please call PicnicFurniture.com immediately for assistance (1-800-775-8409).
Our goal is to make your purchasing experience from PicnicFurniture.com the most cost effective and efficient solution found in our market. Please use caution to ensure all of the shipping information details and services are correct when ordering. Additional charges may occur if the delivery address is incorrect or required services are not ordered at the time of delivery. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!
Shipping Surcharges:
If you are unable to accept a shipment via the above method you may need to select additional services for an additional charge. Please review the surcharges below:
Note: These shipping surcharges are available for selection during the checkout process within the Customer Shipping page.
If you have any questions regarding the above shipping methods or have special shipping needs, feel free to call Customer Service at (1-800-775-8409). We look forward to serving your needs.