10-Gallon Trash Receptacle Precision Series with Sanitizing Wipes Dispenser - 47 lbs.
Seated Smokers Outpost Outdoor Cigarette Ashtray 5 Qt. Plastic, Portable 4 Lbs.
Smoker's Outpost Site Saver Outdoor Cigarette Ashtray, 5 Qt. Plastic, Portable
Smokers Outpost with Table Outdoor Cigarette Ashtray Round, 5 Qt. Plastic, Portable
Standard Smokers Outpost, 16 Qt. Portable, 9 Lbs.
Trash Receptacle Hexagon 30 Gallon Plastic, Portable 12 Lbs.
Can Recycling Receptacle with Can Crusher 30 Gallon Plastic, Portable Lbs.
Trash Receptacle Hexagon 45 Gallon Plastic, Portable 18 Lbs.
42 Gallon Square Receptacle with Dome Top, Portable 24 Lbs.
Smoker's Outpost Smoke Stand Outdoor Cigarette Ashtray, Aluminum, Portable 22 Lbs.
Classico Smokers Outpost Outdoor Cigarette Ashtray 12 Quart Steel, Portable 17 Lbs.
Trash Receptacle Hexagon 45 Gallon Plastic with Drive-Tru Top, Portable
42 Gallon Plastic Trash Can with Stone Panels, Portable 59 lbs.
Trash Can Round 35 Gallon Aluminum with Flat Top, Portable
42 Gallon Stonetec Square Receptacle with Dome Top. Plastic with Stonetec Panel, Portable 65 Lbs.
42 Gallon Plastic Trash Can with Stone Panels and Ash Top, Portable - 66 Lbs.
30 Gallon Polymer Concrete Trash Can, Portable 115 lbs.
50 Gallon Polymer Concrete Trash Can, Portable 160 lbs.
RHINO Trash Receptacle, Thermoplastic Expanded Metal, Portable, 77 lbs.
Trash cans on sale feature a huge selection of trash receptacles that include all styles of trash receptacles for trash collection sold by Picnic Furniture. We offer the best selection of trash receptacles available. Trash collection varies widely from public garbage, paper collection, recycling waste to cigarette disposal. For sale is the complete line of Commercial Zone products including Smokers Outpost.