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Daycare Playground Equipment

Entertain young kids ages 2 to 5 years at your daycare centers with commercial grade daycare playground equipment! We carry everything you need to turn your preschool playground into the best time of any child’s day including daycare play structuresclimbersspring riders, music equipment, and swing sets. They are great for daycares, playgrounds, HOA, apartment buildings, churches, and children museums. Do you need help determining what playground structures will fit in your daycare’s play area? Call the playground experts at Picnic Furniture today to discuss a proposal for your new commercial playground equipment. Are you considering a playground set for a different age? We also offer playground equipment made for any age group, including younger toddlers and school age children.

Learn about the Benefits of Daycare Playgrounds on our blog.

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Eagle’s Perch Playset - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Neutral Front Eagle’s Perch Playset - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Neutral Front

Eagle’s Perch Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship - Clearance While Supplies Last!

Eagle’s Perch Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
$8,484.95 $5,999.95
FP3009 - Coal Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years FP3009 - Coal Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years

Coal Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years

Coal Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years
FP3011 - Tanker Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years FP3011 - Tanker Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years

Tanker Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years

Tanker Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years
FP3012 - Mining Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years FP3012 - Mining Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years

Mining Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years

Mining Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years
PFS042 - Corner At The Palm Small Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr

Corner at the Palm Small Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Corner at the Palm Small Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
FP3010 - Caboose Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years FP3010 - Caboose Car Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years

Caboose Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years

Caboose Car Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years
FP3008 - Engine Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years FP3008 - Engine Recycled Plastic Express Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Years

Engine Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years

Engine Recycled Plastic Express Train Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 years
Patriot’s Point Playset - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Primary Front Patriot’s Point Playset - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Primary Front

Patriot’s Point Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship

Patriot’s Point Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
Port Liberty Commercial Playground Structure - Quick Ship - Neutral Port Liberty Commercial Playground Structure - Quick Ship - Neutral

Port Liberty Commercial Playground Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship

Port Liberty Commercial Playground Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
Rochester Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front Rochester Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front

Rochester Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Rochester Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Powell’s Bay Commercial Playground Structure - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Front Primary Scheme Powell’s Bay Commercial Playground Structure - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Front Primary Scheme

Powell’s Bay Commercial Playground Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship

Powell’s Bay Commercial Playground Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
47203 - Polytone Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr 47203 - Polytone Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Polytone Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Polytone Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Irondale Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front Irondale Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front

Irondale Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Irondale Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Madison Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front Madison Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Madison Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Madison Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Hartselle Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Hartselle Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Hartselle Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Hartselle Commercial Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Pawtucket Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Pawtucket Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Pawtucket Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Pawtucket Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Arlington Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Arlington Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Arlington Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Arlington Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Bismarck Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front Bismarck Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Bismarck Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Bismarck Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Discovery Center 2 Small Toddler Set Discovery Center 2 Small Toddler Set

Discovery Center 2 Small Toddler Playground Structure with Shade

Discovery Center 2 Small Toddler Playground Structure with Shade
Traveling Troubadour Daycare Play Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Back Traveling Troubadour Daycare Play Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Back

Traveling Troubadour Daycare Play Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Traveling Troubadour Daycare Play Structure - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Lakewood Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Lakewood Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Lakewood Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Lakewood Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
PKP189 - Plymouth Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front PKP189 - Plymouth Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Plymouth Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Plymouth Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Menlo Park Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front Menlo Park Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Menlo Park Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Menlo Park Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Gatlinburg Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Gatlinburg Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Gatlinburg Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Gatlinburg Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Ames Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Front Ames Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Front

Ames Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Ames Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Beaverton Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front Beaverton Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Beaverton Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Beaverton Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
PFS026 - Forest Market Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 Months To 5 Yr - Red, White, Blue - Front PFS026 - Forest Market Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 Months To 5 Yr - Red, White, Blue - Front

Forest Market Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 months to 5 yr

Forest Market Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 months to 5 yr
Fair Fables Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Front Fair Fables Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Front

Fair Fables Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Fair Fables Daycare Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Village Greens Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Primary Front Village Greens Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Primary Front

Village Greens Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship

Village Greens Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
Boulder Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr  - Front Boulder Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr  - Front

Boulder Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Boulder Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Beech Grove Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Beech Grove Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Beech Grove Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Beech Grove Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Redmond Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front Redmond Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Redmond Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Redmond Commercial Park Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Worthy Courage Playset - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Neutral Front Worthy Courage Playset - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Neutral Front

Worthy Courage Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship

Worthy Courage Playset - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
Palo Alto Commercial Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Palo Alto Commercial Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Palo Alto Commercial Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Palo Alto Commercial Daycare Playground Set - Ages 2 to 5 yr
PKP135 - Miami Beach Playground Equipment For Daycare - Ages 2 To 5 Yr  - Front PKP135 - Miami Beach Playground Equipment For Daycare - Ages 2 To 5 Yr  - Front

Miami Beach Playground Equipment for Daycare - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Miami Beach Playground Equipment for Daycare - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Reno Elementary School Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Front Reno Elementary School Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Front

Reno Elementary School Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Reno Elementary School Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Granite Manor Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Neutral Front Granite Manor Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Quick Ship - Neutral Front

Granite Manor Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship

Granite Manor Commercial Playground Set - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
47508 - R-Town Cottage Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr 47508 - R-Town Cottage Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town Cottage Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town Cottage Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr
47505 - R-Town Barn Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr 47505 - R-Town Barn Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town Barn Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town Barn Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr
47504 - R-Town School House Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr 47504 - R-Town School House Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town School House Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town School House Commercial Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr
Ketchem Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front Ketchem Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front

Ketchem Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Ketchem Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
47510 - R-Town Church Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr 47510 - R-Town Church Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town Church Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr

R-Town Church Outdoor Playhouse made from Polyethylene - Ages 2 to 5 yr
PKP219 - Valparaiso Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front PKP219 - Valparaiso Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Valparaiso Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Valparaiso Preschool Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Grand Cove Playground Equipment for Schools - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship - Primary Front Grand Cove Playground Equipment for Schools - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship - Primary Front

Grand Cove Playground Equipment for Schools - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship

Grand Cove Playground Equipment for Schools - Ages 2 to 12 yr - Quick Ship
Fayetteville Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front Fayetteville Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 5 Yr - Front

Fayetteville Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Fayetteville Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
PFS028 - Treetop Connection Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 Months To 5 Yr - Front PFS028 - Treetop Connection Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 Months To 5 Yr - Front

Treetop Connection Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 months to 5 yr

Treetop Connection Playground Tunnel - Ages 6 months to 5 yr
Discovery Center 4 Playset Discovery Center 4 Playset

Discovery Center 4 Medium Toddler Playground Structure with Shade

Discovery Center 4 Medium Toddler Playground Structure with Shade
Missoula Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front Missoula Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Missoula Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Missoula Commercial Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr
Towson Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front Towson Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr - Front

Towson Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr

Towson Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 5 yr
PKP198 - Egg Harbor Daycare Outdoor Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front PKP198 - Egg Harbor Daycare Outdoor Playground Equipment - Ages 2 To 12 Yr - Front

Egg Harbor Daycare Outdoor Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

Egg Harbor Daycare Outdoor Playground Equipment - Ages 2 to 12 yr

These outdoor activities are not only enjoyable, but beneficial as well. Children have so much fun playing on the playground equipment, they won’t even realize how this play time is enhancing their bodies, mind, and motor skills. Each playground set contains several activities for kids to do which may include activity panels, slides, navigation wheels, drums, climbers, ladders, and more! All play structures are manufactured with quality commercial grade components for longevity and safety. Safety barriers are included on the sides of the daycare outdoor playground equipment, so children can explore on their own without fear of falling from the elevated platforms. Perfect for child care centers who supervised several children at once in these toddler areas. 

Commercial Daycare Playground Equipment to Inspire Creative Play

Children love to pretend! And we have many daycare playground equipment to inspire more of this creative play. For example, kids will feel right at home while playing house in our Happy Hollow playground equipment complete with fun colors and whimsical animal activities. Or maybe venture to the island themed Village Greens playground set with water like slides, solid leaf roof, and fun figure climber, without stepping foot off the daycare playgrounds. Wherever their imagination takes them, we have childcare playground equipment for them to explore and discover!

Benefits of Playground Equipment for Daycare Centers

Jumpstart early childhood development with commercial daycare playground equipment! 

Playground equipment has many benefits when it comes to child development. Activity panels promote education by giving children the opportunity to learn their numbers, colors, shapes, animals, and more! Physically, as kids play, they are thoughtlessly progressing their gross and fine motor skills. Running, jumping, climbing, and discovering, are all great ways to build little bodies and minds while allowing children the chance to release pent-up energy and improve focus. There are some sensory activities you can incorporate in your daycare playground equipment to benefit children with developmental delays or sensory sensitivies. To find out more about playground equipment used as sensory tools, please visit Fun Elementary School Playground Activities for Sensory Development

Choose your Day-Care Playground Equipment Today!

Are you looking for the right playground set for your daycare’s  new playground? The online playground consultants at Picnic Furniture are here to help! We have a large selection of commercial daycare playgrounds to choose from to fit your specifications. Let us know the spacings of your play area, along with your budget. We will send you options of potential playground sets and prepare competitive quotes! These All-American playground equipment are made from industrial grade steel, powder coated for long-lasting protection and roto-molded plastics for smooth, safe play. For coastal location, we have models that are manufactured completely out of sustainable materials, such as recycled plastic. Recycled plastic has corrosive resistant properties against water and salt while being very low-maintenance. Whatever your location, we have the right playground equipment to fit your needs!

Are you considering a playground set for a different age? We also offer playground equipment made for any age group, including  younger toddlers and school age children! Call 1-800-775-8409 if you have any questions or would like a written quote.

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Min: $4.00 Max: $96,015.00
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